Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A new year, a new me!!

Once again, I am BACK! The reason why I didn't continue last time was because I got pregnant, which makes it hard to lose weight. :) Luckily I only gained 35 pounds and lost all of it a month after having her. YAY! So now I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight. *sigh* I'm going to say it... 152 pounds! Ugh...
So starting January 2nd as my new years resolution (also six weeks postpartum, so I got the ok to start working out again) I started to work out. I went back to Power 90, but only stuck with that for about two weeks. I got SO BORED with it. It's 2 workouts that you switch off between throughout the week. Because I've never been one to exercise, I got bored SUPER fast with that. I have quite the selection of workout DVDs so I just would alternate and do whatever I felt like doing.
That was until we got our tax returns back and I could buy TURBOFIRE!!!

Ah, I can't say enough about these DVDs. It is 15 different workouts so I never get bored. They are fun, energizing, and the lady keeps me motivated! I started Turbofire on February 27th, so I've just started that and it's a 90 day program.
So two months now after starting my weight loss journey I've lost 11 inches all over and 4 pounds. I'm at 148 now. In three more pounds I'm going to be the lowest I've been in my adult life! WOW! I took my "before" pictures on Jan. 2nd and recently took new pictures on Feb. 27th. I couldn't believe the difference already! It's amazing to see the changes, especially because I hadn't felt like I changed THAT much! I feel so good. I have come to love to workout. Especially since Turbofire! I love the endorphins I get after working out. I am happier, healthier, more motivated to do things, and I feel like I have more patience and love to give which makes me a better mom and wife. I can't wait to see what I look like after the 90 days. Lots of people have had amazing success with it, and I hope I'll be the same. The hardest part for me is my diet. When I have a husband who can eat whatever he wants and not gain a pound, it makes it hard to eat right. We are very snacky people, especially at night. This has been hard to give up. I slip up a bit, but I don't let it get me down. I just keep pushing through.
This is the longest I've ever gone with working out and eating right. I always would say "I'll start Monday" and maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't. If I did, it usually lasted MAYBE a week. I'm going on 2 1/2 months now! This is my year. I am going to prove to myself, and everyone else that I can do this! That I can finish something! I want this so badly and I'm going to get it!

Here's to a new year, and a new me!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Yep, that's right. I'm back! Last time I posted was in August 2010. It's now March 2011! Since I last posted, I have lost 11 pounds! Cool huh? That all happened the following few months, and now it's just been maintained. But now I am ready to get that other 17 pounds off! I am doing a new program. It is called Power 90. I have been doing it for a week now and I love it! I have lost an inch and a half and I feel different! This life style change is going to be so wonderful! With eating, I do 50% protein, 30% carbs, and 20% fat of my 1300 calories. I am able to track this through MyPlate on Livestrong. It has the percentages right there, along with counting my calories! I've learned a lot of new recipes (a little booklet came with the DVDs) and they are yummy! I am able to snack on things I really like--like peanuts (unsalted of course). And I tried hummus for the first time and it is actually really good!

So you wanna know what got me motivated to do this? Check this out:


Go and watch that short clip. It will motivate you!!! This girl, Tekoa, is the same height and weight as me-give or take. To know that if I work hard and eat the right things, I could look like her after these 90 days are over, and then continue to P90x or Insanity! Tekoa is my beachbody coach, so I am able to ask her questions and get inspiration from her. I have seriously watched this movie so many times! Any time I feel unmotivated, I turn to that movie and the message boards and I become motivated again!

Last week I worked out all 6 days! I don't know that I have ever done that. I guess knowing it is a 90 day program is what helps me. People say that after the first couple of weeks, you really start to notice a difference. Then at the 30 day mark, things start to change even more. And then even more at the 60 days, then to finally "finish" at 90 days.(although I will continue on to other things)

Eating has been ok for me. We went out of town last weekend and it was so hard to eat healthy on vacation! But we are back and I am back on track! I don't eat 3 hours before bed so that my body is in fat burning mode instead of fat storing mode. This is hard for me. My husband and I always watch our favorite show, Bones, and eat snacks! The first couple of days were so hard! But it got easier with time and I have stuck to it since!

I hope to post either every week or every other week on stats and progress.

Will you join me?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Week 3 Accountability

Sorry! I'm a little late posting this!

Week 3 weight loss: 1 pound
Weight loss so far: 3 pounds

Ok, so nothing to be ecstatic about, but at least I'm getting lighter right? I lost another half inch off my waist too.

I have a new best friend though! It's my new stationary bike sitting in my living room. We've come to know each other very well. I'm really hoping having this bike will help the weight come off quicker! My husband and I found out that 3500 calories=1 pound. Who knew? Ok, the whole internet knew, but it was news to me. Honestly, that helps a lot with realizing what I need to do on how to lose this weight. I have a new piece of motivation this week. I have to be seen in a swimming suit in less than a week. Although I'm not going to look beautifully skinny, I do want to do very well this week so I at least feel better in my absolutely adorable swim suit from Lime Ricki swimwear! I'm trying to burn 1000 calories on my bike each day! That way I can lose about 2 lbs. a week. It takes me a little over an hour and a half to burn that much. I split it up into two segments though, one in the morning and one at night.

How I feel: I actually do feel thinner. I look in the mirror and can see a little bit of a difference. Also, yesterday I allowed myself some peanut butter M&Ms at the movie and after a handful I felt so sick! I used to be able to eat EASILY the whole bag (which I found out is about 800 calories!!!!). I love that I now can recognize the difference in my body now that I am eating healthier!

Goals this week: To truly burn 1000 calories each day this week. I work out 6 days a week so that equals 6000 calories weekly. I only allow myself 1300 calories a day.

Now I have a question, this may seem dumb to some, but for me, this is all new. So am I supposed to burn every calorie I eat? Or am I supposed to have a few calories left over? Because I know that if I have 3500 calories left over a week (which I wouldn't, but just sayin) then I would GAIN a pound, which is DEFINITELY NOT the direction I want to go. So for any experts out there, do I burn every calorie, plus some? PLEASE help! I googled it, but couldn't come to a unanimous answer. There were some that said no that's bad, and others that said yes!

HELP! :)

How did your week go? What are your goals for this week?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Week 2 Accountability

I am not looking forward to this post. Boo. :(

Weight Loss this week: NONE
Although I did not lose any weight this week, I did measure my waist and I lost 2 inches! It doesn't totally make up for the "no weight-loss" but it does help.
I didn't do that well this week. I wasn't expecting to see much weight-loss if any. I'm happy I didn't gain any! :) I went over my calories a few days last week. I did exercise a bit more, but not every day. Luckily, my husband has agreed to let me get an exercise bike with his "bonus bucks" he receives from work. THAT I am happy about because I will be able to exercise more often. I know I will too cuz it will be sitting right in my living room. I have a hard time going to the gym because someone has to watch Ms. C (I still don't have anyone that I would have watch her) and my husband is gone a lot so when I get a chance to be home with him, I'll choose a movie over the gym. Movies usually lead to snacking too. Not a good combination. Although the other night we snacked on grapes instead of bad food! :)

Goal for this week: STAY UNDER MY CALORIES!!! I need to work really hard on this one. I also am going to try to exercise every day this week too. I don't know why exercising is so hard for me. Maybe because I've hardly done it in my life. I can't wait to get that exercise bike, though, so it will be easier and more convenient to work out!

Please, I could use all the encouragement I could get! :)
Are you gonna work out and eat healthy this week with me?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Week 1 Accountability!

One week down, 11 more to go! :)

This last week has actually been A LOT easier than I thought it was going to be. I think it's because I had a little "test run" the week before. Counting calories is actually fun. I NEVER thought I'd say that!

I wasn't perfect, but it's a process right? I only went over my calories once last week. It was by 97 calories too. :( But we went grocery shopping and got lots of produce and yummy healthy stuff! So are you ready for the stats?

Weight loss this week: 2 pounds!!!
Weight to go: 24 pounds
How I feel: GREAT! I know I need to work harder this week and do better, but I was so happy to see those 2 pounds gone. I have wanted to lose this weight since high school (yes I have been this same size since I was a sophmore in high school--minus the pregnancy) and it's finally becoming a reality. I don't get discouraged like I have in the past. My main motivation? Being able to teach my children healthy lifestyle habits. My daughter is getting into the "real people" food stage so I thought, what better time than now!? :) I do need to make sure to exercise more. I've been mainly focused on counting my calories, and although that's not a bad thing, I need the exercise too. Luckily, I have a wonderful husband who is very supportive and keeps me on track! :)
Goals for this week: Work out EVERY DAY for 30 minutes-no matter what! That is my main goal because I really want to get that down!

So if you are doing this with me (which I hope you are!) How was your week?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Counting Calories

There are so many calorie counting sites out there! The one I have found to be the best fit for me is called MyPlate. And even better...it's FREE! It has tons of food choices in their food bank so you hardly ever have to manually put in calories. It's also available for the iphone or itouch. It breaks everything down like sugars, carbs, sodium, etc. It even shows it on a pie chart so you know where everything compares. I love how easy it is to track my calories at MyPlate. It makes me want to eat better too because I have to be accountable to the site for my calories. Studies show that even if you write down what you eat throughout the day you are more likely to eat less! Cool huh? It even has a MyPlate for those with Diabetes. It's called MyPlateD.
Go check out the site:

(then click on MyPlate)

What do you use to count your calories?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Beginning

This is hard for me. I believe that if I have someone to be accountable to (and hopefully share this journey with), I will more likely be successful! Are you trying to lose weight too? Please become a fan and lets share our journey together!!

My goal? To lose 26 lbs. by October 5, 2010. There is no particular reason why I chose this day, but I believe it's achievable.

How am I going to achieve it? Exercise at least 30 minutes 6 days a week. Only eat whole wheat bread. Count my calories daily. Eat slowly. Drink 8 glasses (64 oz.) of water daily. If I eat sweets, they can only be sugar free.

Motivation? I want to teach my children to eat healthy. I want them to see a good example of taking care of themselves. I want to feel confident and be happy. My 5 year class reunion is next year and I want to feel confident.

So are you in this with me?

This is the beginning of my lifestyle change. I will post every Monday with my weight loss for that week. Every day (or every other day, I haven't decided yet) I will post my exercise and if I was under/over/exact on my calories. Please feel free to do the same with me! I would love to share this journey with someone!!!